We are part of a Primary Care Network working together to provide Health Care Service.
The Wythenshawe PCN consists of following Practices:
Bowland Medical Practice | RK Medical Practice | Benchill Medical Practice |
The Maples Medical Practice | Peel Hall Medical Practice | Cornishway Group Practice |
Tregenna Group Practice |
Wythenshawe’s Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) is working towards a new model of neighbourhood working across Manchester.
It’s one of the 12 INTs in the city – each working across an approximate population of 30-50,000 people. On a practical level INTs bring NHS community health and adult social care services together to improve how they work for people. Staff will be located together in the same building and can work together. That means that district nurses, social workers and other staff can meet each day, carry out joint visits and discuss the best plan for people in their care.
As little as 10% of a population’s health and wellbeing is linked to access to Healthcare. The INT teams work in the place they are based with other organisations, local community groups and people who live in the area to improve services.
The neighbourhood team hold regular meetings. They are committed to ensuring that plans, initiatives and solutions are co-produced. They involve local residents, organisations and communities of interest.
Our neighbourhood area is: